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Add required links

GSA websites must include the following required links.


By using the identifier component, most of the required links will already be included.

About GSA

<a href="">About GSA</a>

Accessibility statement

<a href=""
>Accessibility statement</a

FOIA requests

<a href=""
>FOIA requests</a

No FEAR Act data

>No FEAR Act data</a

Office of the Inspector General

<a href="">Office of the Inspector General</a>

Performance reports

<a href=""
>Performance reports</a

Privacy policy

<a href=""
>Privacy policy</a

In addition to the links found in the identifier, all GSA websites must include agency-level contact information in the site header or footer. Whenever possible, provide both an email address and a phone number.


Treat any email addresses published on the Internet as a business asset, and respond to customer inquiries within a reasonable timeframe (same day when possible, or within no more than three business days).

An official website of the U.S. General Services Administration

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